Search results for References by harrison, t.m.
Abegglen, L.M.; Harrison, T.M.; Moresco, A.; Fowles, J.S.; Troan, B.V.; Kiso, W.K.; Schmitt, D.; Boddy, A.M.; Schiffman, J.D., 2022. Of Elephants and other mammals: A comparative review of reproductive tumors and potential impact on conservation. Animals ( 12, 2005 (published 8 August 2022): 1-18. 3 tables,


Schlanser, J.R.; Bohart, G.W.; Paperd, D.W.; Wagner, C.; Marquardt, M.; Harrison, T.M., 2016. Technique for venipuncture of the transverse facial vein in the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis). Zoo Biology 2016: 1-4


Schlanser, J.R.; Schroeder, E.L.; Kullmann, A.; Carey, S.A.; Harrison, T.M., 2013. Clinical diagnosis and management of idiopathic epilespy in a black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis). Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians (AAZV) 2013: 70


Harrison, T.M.; Stanley, B.J.; Sikarskie, J.G.; Bohart, G.; Ames, N.K.; Tomlian, J.; Marquardt, M.; Marcum, A.; Kiupel, M.; Sledge, D.; Agnew, D., 2011. Surgical amputation of a digit and vacuum-assisted-closure (V.A.C.) management in a case of osteomyelitis and wound care in an Eastern Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis michaeli). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (2): 317-321


Harrison, T.M.; Stanley, B.; Sikarsie, J.G.; Bohart, G.; Kent Ames, N.; Tomlian, J.; Marquardt, M.; Mac Fadden, A., 2008. Surgical manipulation of a digit and vacuum assisted closure (V.A.C.) management in a case of osteomyelitis and wound care in an Eastern Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis michaeli). Proceedings of the AAZV, ARAV Joint Conference 2008: 154-155
